life — diary — A WILD DOVE


The Circle Game

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Mel Blanchard

As a doula and spiritual counselor, Paula Mallis is aware of the transformative power that comes with helping women bring life into the world. So she decided to create a space for all women to serve as the physical embodiment of the birthing work she had been doing. The result is WMN Space, a conscious space for women to gather in service to their own healing. The intention of WMN Space is to support women, wherever they are on their journey through classes on women’s health, body work, therapy, spiritual counseling and workshops.

The space has resonated with women, not just near the Culver City abode, but all over Southern California. Her evening moon circles are known to draw a crowd from all over Los Angeles and beyond. We sat down with Paula, where she talked about her journey, these sacred circles and why self love is the best kind of love.


Can you describe your journey into becoming a Doula and opening WMN?

My journey into birth Doula work began as I was preparing for my own pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant the day before my Doula training began and the rest is history. After holding space for women in my home for over three years I felt called to take the work I was doing at home out into the world. That was the beginning of the creation of WMN SPACE. I was completely guided to create a space not only for pregnant women and mothers but for all women in service to their unique journey and healing.

We often ask people about their "trigger moments." It sounds like your pregnancy and the birth of your daughter had a lot to do with it for you. Can you share that experience with us?

Pregnancy and all of its shifts and challenges brought up in me a lot of triggers, but through my spiritual journey I was gifted the awareness that the triggers were all an opportunity for personal growth and healing. Once I shifted my perspective, my relationship towards pregnancy and birth began to change inwardly and outwardly, which allowed me the space for a transformational experience.

That makes a lot of sense. Your classes are very diverse in nature and age. How did you hone or curate the offerings for WMN Space? There must have been a lot to choose from in LA.

My intention is for all offerings at WMN SPACE to be fully in alignment with the intention of WMN SPACE. Offerings that are authentic, grounding and accessible to all women, wherever they are on their own journey.

What do you hope women will take from their sessions at WMN space that maybe they're not getting elsewhere?

I hope what women experience is more in connection to the authenticity to who they are. Feeling inspired, supported and empowered.

It must be difficult managing it all - a family, a business and now a new space...AND you give so much of you in your work. How do you do it?

SELF CARE!!!!! I have to put my self care and spiritual practice first. When I do that, I feel I can do it all without burning out.

Yes! Totally. So we love the idea of your Women's Circle's. Can you tell us more about it?

The Women's Circles are an opportunity to come together connect and share our experiences while practicing non-judgmental observation of ourselves and each other in a sacred safe space.

OK, now for the personal stuff. What is your favorite family ritual?

Morning breakfast and setting intentions for the day!

Speaking of, what's the first thing you do in the morning?

I wish I could say meditate. Sometimes that gets pushed back to the school parking lot after drop off, but on the weekends, meditate.

What's the last book you read with your daughter?

Little Bear :)

Love that one. And what's something most people don't know about conscious living or healing that would surprise them?

Conscious living is not for hippies! I think people think to live an aware or spiritual life it's about yoga poses or meditating for hours on end. To me living a conscious life is being "aware" and conscious of our choices, thoughts, actions and behaviors inwardly and outwardly.

What makes you fly?



WWW.WMNSPACE.COM | 10764 Washington Blvd. 2nd Floor Culver City, LA | 310 570 9492

Jungle Cubs

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

As adults, we all often crave yoga - whether for exercise, circulation or taking a pause in our everyday lives. But what about children? Surely they too can benefit from the practice in ways we may have never imagined.

Except Eda Ozmen did. She has been teaching yoga to children for the last few years after realizing that her passion for the practice and teaching kids could be united. Eda first got her 200-hour teaching training at Down Dog Yoga in DC and immediately knew she wanted to share the practice with kids. She then attended a children's teacher training through a non profit program in Washington DC called YoKids before moving to New York. Now she is at one of our favorite yoga studios, the newly expanded Lyons Den Power Yoga, where she started the Power Cubs program last year with children ages 2-12 years old. Eda also is a certified corporate wellness specialist, bringing mindful and well being practices to the workplace.

We sat down with Eda to get the lowdown on downward dogging with the mini-set.

What do the children experience in the Power Cubs program?

At the Lyons Den, we teach kids the importance of developing healthy habits, how to pay attention and focus, as well as, to have compassion for themselves and others.

Power Cubs teaches the tools and principles of yoga in a way that is fun and accessible to children. We cultivate each student’s awareness of thoughts, emotions, body sensations, the surrounding environment and kindness to others.

Why is yoga so important and beneficial for kids?

The practices of yoga and mindfulness offer rich experiences that can profoundly impact the lives of young people by redirecting their energy in a positive way. Yoga provides a set of tools to cultivate a wide variety of experiences in mind-body awareness, self-regulation and physical fitness. Yoga at an early age creates positive health implications into adulthood, like  strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, focus, concentration, discipline, creativity, teamwork and a deeper connection to self and others.

What's the the best part about teaching kids?

The best part about teaching kids is experiencing how present and engaged they can be. I see that kids are more in tune with their feelings and emotions while practicing yoga (especially when I see them completely still in final resting pose), which has given me a whole new outlook on my own yoga practice.


What does teaching children teach you?

Teaching children is a lot harder than I imagined, but also extremely rewarding!

I have definitely learned to be more patient and mindful in my own actions and attention overall. Teaching them has taught me to practice without judgement, be present in the moment, not take life so seriously, and most have fun!

The kids challenge me at times, but they’re also able to bring out the best in me.

Can you tell us about the philosophy behind Little Flowers 5 Elements?

In each class, I use the teaching model from Little Flowers 5 Elements of Yoga and Mindfulness: Connect, Breath, Move, Focus and Relax.

We play games, do coordination exercises and different activities that focus on the 5 elements below - 



 Connect activities foster connections for children internally and externally. They help students make sense of their own emotional experiences and also ground them in an awareness of their environment and the needs of others.


The breath is one of our most powerful tools for self determination, and teaching children that they have some control over their own emotional and energetic state is an empowering lesson.

Gaining control of the breath in a safe way can be extremely beneficial in helping children regulate their emotions and energy level.


Yoga poses may be used in a variety of ways as tools to channel student's energy, improve their health, build their confidence and for many other purposes. A central tenet of our program is that no child will ever be forced or pressured into any posture that they feel uncomfortable with for any reason. The emphasis in our movement practice is on exploration, not competition.


Children are often asked to focus and rarely taught how.

Our focus activities are designed to allow children the capacity to experiment with what it means to focus and repeated practice noticing when their mind wanders and bringing it back to the task at hand.


All students of any age will benefit from learning to relax and restore. Our children are exposed to an overwhelming amount of sensory stimulation,  chronically sleep deprived and generally have no idea how to calm themselves down. Relax activities provide the opportunity to rest both the body and the mind.


Eda's Vest & Leggings by Outdoor Voices

Callum's Vest & Shorts by The Animals Observatory


Power Cubs at Lyons Den Power Yoga | 279 CHURCH STREET, 3RD FLOOR, NYC | 646 490 8888

On International Women’s Day, We Celebrate The Class

Written by Lynn Levoy | Photographed by Jaimie Baird

I kept hearing so much about The Class that I just knew in my gut I would love it. That was two and a half years ago. I still remember how after first trying it out, I could hear Taryn’s voice inside my head all day. I realized then that this was more than just a “workout.” It was a an emotional and spiritual endeavor, which was exactly what I needed. And I haven’t looked back since.

I had always been a big runner and loved the gym, where I could spend hours. But after Callum was born, I had to be more efficient on every level. The Class is therapy. It allows me to approach my day stronger in every way - myself, my family, my friends, my business. It’s the only exercise that gives me that same running high and even more. It’s where in my voice, in my yelling, screaming, I can release. But just as importantly, Taryn’s words resonate with me. They empower me. As a woman and a mama, I value a space with no judgement and a community where we support and build each other up. After doing The Class regularly, I can see a difference in my everyday life. It gives me strength and forces me to look at all aspects of my life that needed change. And to boot, I can do Burpees for six minutes. Thank you TT!

The Class now has a new home, a recently opened studio in Tribeca. In partnership with interior designer Elizabeth Kohn of Elizabeth Kohn Design, as well as, interior designer and crystal healer, Rashia Bell, Taryn created a zen space featuring gorgeous marble slabs, flickering candles and pink-gray finishes. It’s a sublime gem set in the craziness of New York, where the cleansing, calming scent of Palo Santo wafts as you ascend the staircase.

Follow it to the third floor, to a sanctuary of calm with a soft palette of crystals everywhere! They’re even set into the floor to clear energy and renew balance and confidence. Moving through The Class on top of tourmaline, hematite, clear quartz, amethyst and rose quartz enhances the practice and cleanses. There’s also The Shop - a beautifully curated selection of must-have's like The Airelume Jewelry By Taryn Toomey, Moon Juice Dusts, Cinnamon Projects Incense Sets, Joanna Vargas SkinCare, Sun Potion Adaptogens, Smoke Perfume Essential Oils and bkr Water Bottles.

I am so inspired by Taryn and her teachers. I asked Courtney Deri, Lindsay Tyson and Jaycee Gossett to sound off on why The Class is so powerful and what inspires them.

How does The Class foster community among women?

Courtney - “What I believe The Class does, is gives us the complete freedom to express, explore wherever we are at on any given day. I think it creates the realization that we all have our baggage and are suffering in one way or another. That we all need to RELEASE that weight.”

Jaycee - “Our company culture is one of acceptance, equality and generosity of spirit. In addition to lengthening and strengthening the physical body, The Class method itself provides a mindful opportunity for deep cathartic release. We use movement and sound to witness and process intense emotions - this deep connection to self creates a doorway for one to connect outwardly in community. We bond in the self-strengthening process that occurs in that room.”

Lindsay - “Regardless of where we're coming from, we as women have more in common then we often realize. As I step into The Class again and again, I am beginning to see and feel and know that my pain, my joy and my healing is my own and that there is also so much commonality between what I'm feeling and what other women in the room are feeling.”

Courtney Deri

How does this workout speak to women?

Courtney - “It’s the ability to find and use sound to access your voice which is extremely empowering. Personally, I find it a lot easier to stand up for myself and speak up in times, where I would have used to just keep my mouth shut and suppress. It has been a game changer. I think it shows women how capable we are when we actually put our mind and energy towards something and to not let any type of label or preconception hold us back. The opportunities are ENDLESS.”  

Jaycee - “I think as women we can identify with other women's experiences and the idea that we know we are not alone in that room together or alone in our human journey is very comforting. To know we are all going through the exact same challenges, celebrations and changes creates a deep sense of humanity and community.”

Lindsay - “So many women (myself included) spend so much energy trying to look and act in a way that fulfills some nebulous idea about what it means to be female. We should be attractive but not intimidating; smart but yielding; opinionated but polite. It is often suggested to women that perhaps we should stay small - that making waves and making noise and going after what we want without apologizing is unsafe and unladylike. When we come to The Class, we are asked to pay attention to what we are feeling and we realize that our well of emotions runs deep and that so much of what we are feeling has been with us for a long time and is related to our desire to check all the right boxes.”

Jaycee Gossett

your favorite moment in class ?

Courtney - “I have so many moments that I am so in love with. But I would have to say my ultimate favorite is, right after the climax of the class, (where you are invited to run the sh*t out of your legs and make A LOT of sound) , and right before we move into the 'Heart Clearing.' There is such a beautiful moment of softness, of quiet, of vulnerability and rawness in the space. I tear up almost every time.”

Jaycee - “My favorite moment? Every moment of the 6,500 seconds.”

Lindsay - “My favorite moment in class is three-quarters into the first song. That give me enough time to get into my body, to build heat and then to see what's going on physically, mentally and emotionally. Even if I'm feeling rough, as I get into my body and my stuff, I can feel that I'm on the precipice of some kind of shift. To me, that feels simultaneously thrilling and like a relief.”

Lindsay Tyson

what inspires you ?

Courtney - “ALL the emotions, love, music, Buddhism, The Class by Taryn Toomey's community, anyone who at one point thought they couldn't and then they did.”

Jaycee -  “Everything. Living, experiencing, breathing, music, dancing, all of it. I am constantly marveled by the world around me and in me. I mean it's all pretty surreal isn't it?”

Lindsay - “I'm inspired by the women who teach The Class. And no one is suggesting that I say that! But this is a team of women who are committed to showing up, doing the work, laughing, dancing, crying and supporting each other. The Class is such a weird and wonderful journey and the women who I teach with are full of courage, humor, compassion and strength. Without them nudging me forward down this path, I'd have run away a thousand times.”

What makes you fly ?

Courtney - “Holding space for others to explore themselves and their process, to see the breakthroughs and to celebrate them after. It's truly ecstasy for me. Also a good belly laugh or an ugly cry.”

Jaycee - “Music blasting, body moving, deep breathing and lots and lots and lots of sweat.”

Lindsay - “A really good laugh - one that makes me clutch my belly and tear up - makes me feel like I'm flying. For these moments of flight, I rely on my mom, my sister and my dearest friends.”



Check Mate

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


If you could do something for your kids that would increase their IQ, enhance their memory, verbal skills and critical thinking while fostering emotional intelligence and confidence, it would be a no-brainer.  Well, there is, and it’s hiding in the most unlikely of places.  It’s called chess. Yes, that chess.  And no, your kids are not too young to learn.  At least that’s what Tyler Schwartz and Jon Seiber realized when they introduced Chess at Three, an after-school program that teaches the game to kids as young as three through a powerful storytelling method.  Yes, the pieces spring to life, where kids learn sequencing, strategy, language and math all through connecting with the characters on the chess board. 


We sat down with Chess at 3’s director of tutors, Harlan Alford to talk about the program and why storytelling is such a meaningful teaching mechanism.

Check it out below. 


Can you tell us how Chess at Three got started?

Chess At Three was created by Tyler Schwartz and Jon Sieber.  Tyler taught chess at the Village Chess Shop and was approached to teach chess to 3 year olds, an age younger than anyone has taught before.  After several lessons it was not working. His traditional attempts to teach chess were not affecting the children.  The kids were not having fun with the game.  So one day he made a story up about the piece that was super funny and had all the children cracking up.  The story simply told how the King moved.  The kids loved it.  They wouldn't stop talking about it that week.  So the school’s staff brought Tyler back.  And he did it again.  The kids fell in love with the game because they loved the stories and the characters.  Tyler brought Jon on to see what he was doing.  Jon is not a strong chess player but had been working with children for years.  Jon tried teaching a lesson through stories and it was fantastic.  This is the moment that I think is special.  Realizing that fun is the best way for young children to learn.  Games are important. We can teach them sequencing and strategy, how to win and lose and how to work on language and mathematics all in a fun lesson with silly teachers that love working with children.



What was your “trigger moment” in the program’s development? 

Our trigger moment was when the stories were developed.  When we realized if we get children having fun playing chess they will fall in love with it. If we tell them stories and develop a world, they will dig into it to discover more and more.  The other trigger moment was when we realized that we didn’t have to be grandmasters to teach these kids.  We needed to be amazing storytellers. Stories are a powerful tool.  Being told what to do doesn’t help us absorb what we need to know or to do or how to play, but being set free in a world to discover it for ourselves does. And our teachers are incredible story tellers and creatives who make the game come alive. 


That makes total sense. What are some of the benefits to teaching kids chess? Is there a good age to start? 

While people of all ages (3-93+) benefit from playing chess in a variety of ways, starting at a very young age can jumpstart early childhood development. We discovered that teaching chess at the surprising age of 3 is both possible and beneficial.  So we believe this is the best age to start.

Wow. That’s incredible! I'm sure the kids teach you a great deal as well. What have you learned the most from working with kids? 

Kids are the best!  Well I’ve personally learned that I’m not as sneaky as I thought I was.  They are very perceptive, not a lot gets past them.  I’ve also learned to be clear, intentional.  Kids don’t stand for insincerity. Having fun and being genuine is the best way to get anyone to listen. 

Yep, we would agree with that. Can you tell us what are some of the next big steps for Chess at Three? 

We will soon be rolling out our own chess board game. I know there are hundreds of them out there but ours is going to be completely different.  It will still keep the traditional chess pieces so kids can learn exactly what chess is, not just a version of it, but then we developed a way to incorporate our silly characters to the pieces as well.  And our stories will be attached.  It’s going to be super fun and helpful so that when a tutor is not around parents can play with their kids and everyone can have a blast.



We’re sure we’ll learn a thing or two as well! Lastly, what makes you fly?

Figuring out how creativity and strategy can come together and provide something for people.  I believe we are doing that.  We want to help parents get their children ahead.  Chess is the best way to do that.  It has all the ingredients to make the best brain and I believe we have created a learning experience that allows kids at a very young age to gobble up good learning tactics.  Every day is my favorite day of the week when you get to play games and tell stories!

Find Out More


On Callum | Striped Top and Zip Up Jacket by Trico Field | JEANS by I Dig Denim | High Tops by Supra

 On Gabi | T-Shirt and Zip Up Jacket by Beau Loves UK | JEANS by I Dig Denim | High Tops by Supra

The Art of Smudging

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

There was a brief period in time when my kids suspected I was smoking weed in my bedroom.

They didn't know what I was up to, but the smell of me burning sage or ‘SMUDGING” before my mediations was something new for them. Today, Smudging is a consistent practice I do in my home and whenever I travel. Smudging, or the burning of certain herbs, has a rich spiritual past that’s originated in the Native American culture. The intentional act of of smudging is believed to cleanse negative energy, purify and protect in a place, object or person.

Many differing cultures have their own methods and herbal mixtures for this purpose. Smudging, when done correctly, can bring physical, spiritual and emotional balance. If you are someone sensitive to energy and the vibration around you, you will notice a difference of clarity in your environment after smudging.

When to Smudge

- Clearing energy when moving into a new space. We never know who was in the space prior so it’s important to cleanse the space and banish unwanted energies.

- After an argument or leftover bad feelings. (After any sad or traumatic events)

- Routinely weekly cleansing


Sage is the most commonly used herb for smudging. The smoke of  sage is intended to heal and purify the mind, body, and environment and clear negative energy. Sage also has a calming effect on our nerves, so it is particularly useful if we’re feeling nervous, angry, or our space feels that type of energy is lingering.

Cypress and Juniper works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction.

Palo Santo is known as the “holy wood/stick.” Palo santo is derived from specific trees found in the South American rainforests of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador and Peru and has been used for most of known history for a variety of healing. This includes medicines, native ceremonies and especially in Incan culture, spiritual clearing of a space, crowd or person. Palo Santo is a personal favorite scent I love and I keep it burning throughout my home.

Design Your Own
I create my own sage bundles with rose petals and a variety of loose flowers for holiday gifts. I love the way look setting out with my collection of crystals.



Set your intention before you light your sage. Be clear about what it is your soul is wanting and as you burn your herbs, you can either say your intention firmly or recite a mantra to ask the negative energies to leave and bring light and love into your space. Make it personal to whatever it is you are desiring.

Open a window to allow the negative energies out and light the smudge stick or pick off one leaf to burn. Once the flame ignites quickly blow it out.

Waft the smoke first around yourself either from head to toe or from the bottom up.I like to make sure I get to all of my chakras.

Next, smudge around the space (make sure to get the corners of the areas where it holds stagnant energy). You can use a feather to waft the smoke in a clockwise direction, or you can use your hand as well. You can place the herb in a fireproof vessel while mediating and setting intentions. (please make sure the flame is down)

Smudging objects is important, especially crystals to make sure they are purified before practices. And, as someone who loves vintage shopping, I always smudge my purchases when I bring them home.

Rockstar Teenagers - Sophie Kos

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

We often read about the benefits of yoga to help us destress, find our centers, connect with mindful living. There’s also been a lot of research that supports how helpful it is for children to prevent ADHD, anger and anxiety. But what about pre-teens and teenagers? Those whose hormones are through the roof, those who are at “that age” and discovering themselves at the cross section between childhood and adulthood?  Sophie Kos, 16, questioned that too.

A New York native, she started practicing yoga when she was 11 years old to help with anxiety disorders and learning disabilities. “I was taken out of school by my parents to heal from very severe dyslexia and anxiety,” says Sophie. “I was not in a great place and I was barely doing any type of movement at all.  I was about to be put on medication but my parents decided to hire a private yoga instructor.” Sophie’s mother and father (designer Jay Kos) hired a woman named Katrina Foy, who Sophie started working with weekly. While she was challenged in the beginning, after a few months her passion for yoga and movement came through.  Fast forward five years, and Sophie is a certified full-time instructor. With her parents’ blessing, she dropped out of school and earned her 200 hour certification from Ishtar Yoga and is currently working on her 300 hour certification. She is specializing in helping teens like herself use yoga toward through everyday battles of life. We sat down with this rockstar teenager to talk about her path, her family and how she hopes to help others like herself - 


Wow, so you’re 16 and teaching yoga. Amazing.

Can you describe how yoga has helped shaped the path to where you are now?

Over the years I have suffered from a lot of anxiety and learning challenges and was always trying to escape what I felt.  But yoga teaches you to focus inward and listen to whatever feelings may be coming up then to create some space between them and then you go from there. I decided to start this teen yoga class because I know that yoga can be very beneficial to teens since it is a time where there is so much stress from school, hormones, and more. It’s so easy to lose your individuality in our very “by the book society” that we so easily get stuck just moving through the motions. So I wanted to create a space where we can really focus inward on what you need and what your intentions are.  

So true. And why do you think you resonated so much with yoga? Did you try other things in the past that you enjoyed or didn't enjoy?

I think what really resonated with me was how individualized the yoga practice can be.  There is really no right or wrong way to do yoga or what your yoga practice needs to look like or feel like.  I have always had a very hard time feeling comfortable in my body and yoga has really helped me with that as well.  I have always loved fitness and working out and still do. I have tried almost everything - pilates, barre, cardio classes, running, cycling, boxing. I love a lot of these things as well, as long as I balance them out with yoga.  

For me yoga has been something that I can do when I am feeling overly stressed, anxious, down or even if I can’t sleep.  I think it has made me less of a nervous person as well.  One of the major things is that I feel like it has made me way more in touch with my body and what I’m feeling.  I also feel that I listen to pain or symptoms in my body with a lot more respect than I used to.  I used to push myself at the gym way past my limit and now when I feel something I know to stop or take a step back.  


It’s incredible how self-aware you are, more than most adults! So when you have time, what are some of your favorite things to do besides yoga?

I love to go to other fitness classes at The Circuit of Change and The Class is a recent discovery. I love to take bike rides on the Hudson River with my mom, family dinners when my dad cooks, family walks around the West Village on the weekends...I love fashion, putting on essential oils, playing with my dog.

Family time is so special. Speaking of which, how have your parents played a role through your journey?

My parents have played a huge role in my journey by allowing me to drop out of high school and always supporting the decisions that I make. They helped me get internship and introduced me to people in the fashion/fitness industry to help me get jobs and network. And just always giving me great advice and protecting me.  I seriously couldn’t and wouldn’t be in the place I am in without them.  



“Yo Gee”


A black panther.


I love a lot of different kind of music but my favorite is Alternative and Rap...some of my favorite artists are  Florence and the Machine, Coldplay, Sia, Frank Ocean, Jay Z, Kygo, Regina Spektor, Eminem.  


Mind Body - I love working out and trying new classes so it helps me book different workout classes and try new things.


Pigeon pose with a bolster.