Rituals - Dana James — A WILD DOVE

Rituals - Dana James


Dana James, Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Author

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"I kiss my man and then we debate over whose turn it is to make coffee. If it’s mine, I make French press with an organic coffee from the exquisitely delicious Canyon Coffee out of California. As I’m the ultimate multi-tasker, I unpack the dishwasher while the kettle is boiling (yes, the mundane things) and then I take probiotics by Klaire Labs with either rose or chlorophyll water. My man I and then drink coffee in bed and chat for about 30 minutes before we start the morning."


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Food Coach NYC


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.