Rituals - Angela Shore — A WILD DOVE

Rituals - Angela Shore


Creator and Founder of Jiva-Apoha


My first ritual of the morning is...

"waking early and rising with immediate prayer and quiet time. I burn white sage, sweetgrass, palo santo and cedar - the combination for positive vibes and a whole lotta what "I’m grateful for." It allows me to plant myself and set good intentions for the day no matter where I am. It helps shift the flow of what’s needed in receiving and acknowledging the gifts."


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Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.