Rituals - Amy Shapiro — A WILD DOVE

Rituals - Amy Shapiro


Founder of Real Nutrition

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"I ALWAYS wake up before the rest of my family to get my day started.  I need that time to myself to organize my thoughts and to get ready for the day ahead.  Mornings either consist of organizing and working OR heading out for a seriously early workout while everyone is still asleep at about 5:15 AM. Being outside in NYC at this hour is honestly one of my favorite things in the world. But, prior to either, I make my warm lemon water before I even change my clothes. I boil water, squeeze the juice of 1/2 of a lemon into a large mug, add a dash of cayenne pepper and during allergy season (currently) I add a dropper full of Nettle Leaf. If I’m working at home I’ll drink it at my kitchen table while typing away in silence or I’ll put it in a Swell bottle (currently obsessed with the new wide mouth version) and I’ll take it to go.  Sometimes I’ll have two mugs but often I’ll change to black coffee post kid wake up or post workout. I’ve been known to travel with my own lemons too!"


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Real Nutrition


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For women especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.