Our Latest Signature Workshop with Mama Medicine — A WILD DOVE

Our Latest Signature Workshop with Mama Medicine

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

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It might have been chilly outside, but our little ones warmed up the SoHo space of our latest signature workshop with Mama Medicine, founder Deborah Hanekamp’s wildly popular integration of ancient healing traditions, designed for modern times. With their wild imaginations, active bodies and excitement for more, more, more, the children opened up the space for the day and let it all go, which is exactly the point of Medicine Dance. Led by reiki master, Luciana Naclerio         brought our little doves through a practice of physical interpretation of a ceremonial Medicine Reading...which includes breath work from yoga and dance using your own rhythm.  

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While us mamas snacked on popcorn from Sakara and enjoyed their Beauty and Detox drops in our waters, the kids burned palo santo, watered the plants and set the altar for their circle. They then sat in the space they created and grounded, meaning they connected to their breathing by watching an amethyst crystal placed on their bellies rise and fall. They each shared the ways in which they release, and then all together, they activated the energy of the release with shaking! “We held space for each child and they came to the center of the circle to release a different part of his or her body,” says Luciana. 

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After even more shaking, the children then each took a piece of lavender from the altar they created and sat in meditation with its calming scent. They used crystal sound bowls to relax deeply into their little love-filled hearts, then lied down and completely released onto the floor and thought about what it was that made them happy. Through the sweet sound of chimes, they melted into their happy place before coming back into the circle and sharing their experience with their moms. Each child left Mama Medicine that day, happier, calmer and more centered.

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Mama Medicine