Stay Sane this Holiday with Mindful Practices by Jamie Graber — A WILD DOVE

Stay Sane this Holiday with Mindful Practices by Jamie Graber

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell

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Jamie Graber, of Organically Jamie, refers to herself as a “mindshifter.” She helps clients discover their best selves through energy and breathwork. The goal? To break old patterns and change belief systems.  As the former owner of Gingersnaps Organic Cafe, Jamie has become something of a shapeshifter, herself after realizing that her true calling came in the form of talk therapy. “My clients and I go super deep into energy work to get to the subconscious, where all of the healing takes place,” says Jamie. “Because the subconscious is always in a state of protection, we often replay bad memories and events all from a place of fear. But we don’t have to keep replaying the pain of the past. We can visit these events and thank them for lessons and move on.” And how exactly do her clients move on? Through movement and meditation, which Jamie believes is a tool to get us into the quiet long enough to see the signs to achieve the life we want and break old habits. “With meditation, our lives can come from a place of ease and grace instead of reaction,” she says.

So this holiday season, amidst the family chaos - when kids are up past bedtimes and you’ve had that third piece of pie - channel your inner mindshifter with these movement tools, straight from Jamie’s toolkit. A little self-care and self-love this holiday will go a long way.


The One Minute Breath

Jamie - "The one minute breath is one of the easiest ways to create a state of calm.  This meditation can quickly ease your mind, eliminating fear and worry.  It helps you to get deeper in the body and in the present moment. You can do this in the morning, evening, or anytime you feel stressed.

One Minute Breath = 1 cycle per minute. 20 seconds to inhale, 20 seconds hold, 20 seconds to exhale.  This is the ideal version but do what you can, 10,10,10 or 5, 5, 5…Just keep it even and work up to the longer cycles…Be calm with the breath, don’t force it."

What you’ll hear: "The audio file will include tuning in, a three minute basic spine series warm up and then 11 minutes of one minute breath.  You can continue with it longer, up through 31 minutes. There will be music and I will be calling out all the cues and when to switch.  It starts with TUNING IN and then the WARM UP.  “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” said three times. It means, I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within. Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh said three times. I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom through the ages. I bow to the true wisdom.I bow to the great unseen wisdom."

The One Minute Breath
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Warm Up-Basic Spine

  1. Then a 3 minute WARM UP of Basic Spine Flex. Come into Easy Pose (a comfortable cross-legged sitting position). Inhale as you lift the chest up high and tilt the pelvis forward. Then exhale, round the lower back, and rock the pelvis back. Remember to lift the chest up high on each inhale and keep the chin level to the ground in both positions. Continue for 3 minutes.
  2. This is good to lubricate the spine, and move the energy.  It adjusts the spine, strengthens the nervous and reproductive systems, and brings the emotions into balance. It is not part of the meditation, but beneficial to warm up the spine.
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One Minute Breath

  1. Sit in Easy Pose with Neck Lock. 
    • Neck Lock: Lift the chest and sternum up while lengthening the back of the neck, by pulling the chin toward the back of the neck. Neck, throat and face muscles remain relaxed.
  2. Inhale very slowly for 20 OR 10 OR 5 seconds.
  3. Hold for 20 OR 10 OR 5 seconds, pull the spine up, drop the shoulders.
  4. Exhale very slowly for 20 OR 10 OR 5  seconds.
  5. Continue in that pattern. Just keep the numbers for each part of the breath the same.

Adapted from The Library of Teachings and KRI Teachers Manual.

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Ego Eradicator

Jamie - "This is a great way to start your day or to give you more energy. It fires the navel chakra, the chakra for digestion and overcoming obstacles. It opens your aura and extends your magnetic field. "

Posture - Raise the arms up to a 60 degree angle. Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Apply Neck Lock (Lift the chest and sternum up while lengthening the back of the neck, by pulling the chin toward the back of the neck. Neck, throat and face muscles remain relaxed.) Curl the fingertips on to the pads of the palms at the base of the fingers. Thumbs are stretched back, pointing towards each other.

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Eyes - Eyes are closed.

Mental Focus - Focus above the head.

Breath - Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire is one of the foundational breath techniques used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. It is important to master this breath so that it is done accurately and becomes automatic. Breath of Fire is rapid, rhythmic, and continuous. It is equal on the inhale and the exhale, with no pause between them (approximately 2-3 cycles per second). It is always practiced through the nostrils with the mouth closed, unless stated otherwise. To inhale, the upper abdominal muscles relax, the diaphragm extends down, and the breath seems to come in as part of relaxation rather than through effort. The chest stays relaxed and slightly lifted throughout the breathing cycle.

Time - Continue for 1 – 11 minutes.

To end - Inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumbtips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down. 

Adapted from 3HO and Library of teachings


Kriya for Healthy Digestion

What You’ll Hear -  "On the audio file, there will be music and I will be calling out all the cues and when to switch.  It starts with TUNING IN and then the WARM UP.  “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” said three times. It means, I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within. Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh said three times. I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom through the ages. I bow to the true wisdom.I bow to the great unseen wisdom."

Warm Up -  "Then a 3 minute WARM UP of basic spine series going as fast as you can.  This is good to lubricate the spine, and move the energy.  It adjusts the spine, strengthens the nervous and reproductive systems, and brings the emotions into balance. It also helps to move energy up the spine to the upper Chakras to enhance meditation. It is one of the most common things to do during morning meditation, to wake up your spine and your Kundalini energy, for vitality all day long."

Kriya for Healthy Digestion

Beginning Windmill Pose

  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  2. Bring the arms straight out to the sides parallel to ground, palms down.
  3. Twist to the left and then bend forward from the waist, bringing the right hand to the left foot and the left arm straight up in back.
  4. Reverse the motion as you come up.
  5. Continue moving up and down in a rhythm of about 10 seconds per cycle. (1 minute)
  6. Now switch to the right side and continue moving up and down in a rhythm of about 10 seconds per cycle. (1 minute)
  7. Continue the same motion but alternating left right and pausing for 5 seconds as the hand touches the foot. (3 minutes)
  8. Continue the same alternating motion, but pause for 25 seconds as the hand touches each foot. (2 minutes)
  9. Now hold position touching the foot on left side. (2 minutes)
  10. Now hold position touching the foot on right side. (2 minutes)
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Lying down, eyes closed 2 minutes.

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Side Bends

  1. Come standing up, with legs hip width apart, arms parallel to floor and palms down.
  2. Bend to the side from the waist, letting the left arm come down the left side as the right arm comes up. Keep the right arm straight.
  3. Come back to original position.
  4. Then stretch down to the right side and return to original position.
  5. 6 seconds per side. (1 Minute)

Standing Torso Twist

  1. Start in the position of the previous exercise.
  2. Inhale as you twist the torso and arms all the way to the left, exhale back to original position, then inhale as you twist on around to the right and exhale back to the center always keeping the arms in a straight line with each other. 2 to 3 seconds per complete cycle.(1 minute)
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Deep Relaxation

Lying on the back, eyes closed, about 10 minutes.

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Organically Jamie