Electric Slide — A WILD DOVE

Electric Slide

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell

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Megan Roup wanted to make exercise fun again. As a college-trained dancer who went onto become a Brooklynette for the Brooklyn Nets, Megan understood how good music and a great time can get the heart going more than a lifetime spent on the treadmill. So as she began pursuing the fitness space on a professional level, she decided to have a go at it by creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere while giving clients a kick in the you-know-what. Thus, The Sculpt Society was born. We can tell you firsthand, with one class in under an hour, we were burning it up and sculpting it OUT. The method to her madness? Sliders. Yes, those little discs that when used correctly can sizzle up the abs, glutes and entire body. We sat down with Megan to talk sculpting, wellness and why sometimes, a good beat is all you need.

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So, sliders...we’re obsessed. Why do they work and how did you discover them?

So much of my class focuses on hip mobility - so it was super important for me to add functional training into my class for a well rounded workout. I love using sliders in conjunction with functional training because they create instability in the movement, requiring balance and the use of small stabilizing muscles. I created my Sculpt Society Sliders (that come with 3 workouts when purchased on my website) because I wanted one that was dual sided and  because so many of my clients travel. I love that they are lightweight and small and an effective workout on their own. 

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Our glutes are still burning. So yes. Can you tell us about some of The Sculpt Society’s new initiatives?

I just hired my first trainer to teach. We are introducing a low-impact MAT class. It’s the same fast paced, upbeat workout, without the dance cardio. I have also joined a new online fitness platform called Obé. Obé brings the best workouts anywhere your phone takes you. I am so excited to be able to reach people across the country

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That sounds amazing and so convenient. So why do you think health and wellness is having such a moment?

I don’t think this is a moment but rather a movement. Investing in your health is the new norm thanks to the strong communities that have been built around it. You don’t just workout now, you go to a fitness class with your girlfriends and then spend quality time after catching up. Community is so important, something I am very focused on developing within my classes. When people feel included and supported within a fitness space, it can be very powerful.

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We love that we are in and out less than an hour! How does the workout benefit busy mamas in particular?

I was seeing so many women spending hours in the gym. Who’s got time for that?
I really wanted to deliver a class that was under an hour and gave clients everything they needed from cardio to sculpting exercises. My class is 50 minutes and truly delivers a killer workout with positive vibes.


Do you miss dancing professionally with the Brooklynettes and performing in theater?

I do miss dancing professionally. Often in dance, you’re on your own, but dancing with a team and belonging to group of women, like the Brooklynettes, was really special. Luckily with The Sculpt Society, I am physically doing most of the class with my clients, so I still get that same rush every time a beat drops and the whole class is dancing with me as I lead them. There is no better feeling.

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How does music play a role in both creating content for your method and in the actual work outs? What are you listening to now? Playlist welcome!

My class is beat based, so music is a HUGE part the experience. The workout can be killer, but if it’s not done to the right tunes, it can ruin a class for me. I use a lot of hip hop, current pop music and I love an 90’s r&b or hip hop throwback. For the dance cardio sections, I have to hunt for remixes and that can be the most time-consuming part. 

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Most women mix up the type of workouts they do. What do you suggest as a good workout to compliment The Sculpt Society and how often should women come to the workout?

I am a big advocate to do what makes you and your body feel good. If that means mixing up your workouts, by all means, go for it. I think a reformer Pilates is a great compliment to TSS or a yoga flow class. If you’re a mom and you’re coming 3-4 times a week, you’re a rockstar. I think if everyone can move their bodies in some way 4-5 times a week, you’ll feel stronger in your body and mind.


What's your therapy?

Movement is my therapy. Putting a great song on and moving my body empowers my day. I’ve also started meditating, which has been very helpful. Even five minutes can turn around my day.


What makes you fly?

I feel like I am flying every day. I am beyond grateful to get to be doing what I love and hopefully positively affecting other women.

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The Sculpt Society