A Wild Dove x Bhumi Farm - Our Signature Learning Workshop — A WILD DOVE

A Wild Dove x Bhumi Farm - Our Signature Learning Workshop

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Jay Wen

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In our latest Signature Learning Workshop, we partnered with Bhumi Farms on teaching children the joys of eating a local, plant-based diet.

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Often when kids bite into an apple, peel an orange or suck the juice of a tomato, they have no clue where the food is coming from, other than the market. So in our latest signature learning workshop, we collaborated with Farmer Frank Trentacoste of Bhumi Farms in East Hampton, on a one-of-a-kind experience for kids, where he led children on a tour of the farm, where they learned about where food comes from, as well as the difference between organic and nonorganic and the importance of eating a local, plant-based diet.

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At A Wild Dove, our goal is to evolve the minds of our little ones towards wellness, so that habits like eating well and enjoying natural food with fresh ingredients will come early and easily.

So while the mamas enjoyed rosé along with Sakara Popcorn, Flatbread and their Beauty Water, our little doves went into the field to discover the bounty of fruits and vegetables and the joy that is eating locally and naturally. Included in this flock was Lynn’s son Callum, so we asked him to report back on his findings.

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“I learned lots...” said Callum. “I learned there there is a girl zucchini and boy zucchini. Farmer Frank also showed us the tomatoes, sunflowers and peas and explained that tomatoes can taste like like sweet candy. He also spoke about how his farm doesn’t use chemicals and why chemicals are bad for us.”

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Sounds like Farmer Frank did his job. Check back on A Wild Dove for more information on our upcoming Fall workshops and join our wellness conversation for mama and child. 

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To learn more about our upcoming
Fall workshops, 
please sign up below!


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