Because We All Need a Catalyst — A WILD DOVE

Because We All Need a Catalyst

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

Backstory - Medea Juhasz was suffering. She was leading a self-destructive lifestyle hinged on addiction. She had liver damage, digestive problems, an ulcer, recurring sinus infections and a weak immune system. What came to her rescue wasn’t an in-patient therapy program or prescription drugs, but herbalism. She began combining herbs, amino acids and superfoods and slowly her health issues disappeared. Medea was so inspired that she became a Holistic Health Coach with the goal of spreading the gospel of holistic health and wellness. She created Catalyst Gold, a daily supplement and her vehicle to change the way people think about health. To say we are obsessed with it is an understatement.


We shot Medea at Knockout Beauty, one of our favorite beauty shops that also carries Cataylst Gold. We chatted her journey, her favorite adaptogens and how she stays zen in madness of New York...

A Wild Dove -

So we are OBSESSED with Catalyst Gold. We love everything about it. We love the way we feel, the way we look. What are some of its key ingredients and how do they improve our bodies? 


Medea Juhasz -

It is very hard to point out the key ingredients, since each of the 16 ingredients are equally important part of my formula. What makes Catalyst Gold unique is the specific ratio of the ingredients and the actual science how these superfoods, herbs and amino acids enhance each other.

"If I had to highlight the key functions of Catalyst Gold,
Eluthero Root (my favorite adaptogen) is responsible for fighting fatigue
along with Acai Berries, Biotin and Magnesium Citrate."
- Medea Juhasz

| Ring by Aurélie Bidermann

more Ingredients 

Dandelion Root, Selenium, and
Magnesium Citrate helps you gently detox.

Camu Camu, Turmeric, Astragalus, and Mangosteen
are powerful in strengthening your immune system, reducing inflammation, and fighting pain or seasonal allergies.

Biotin, Chlorella, and Grape Seed Extract
will regenerate your hair, nails, and skin.

Flax Seed Extract soothes your digestive tract
while L-Glutamine and Calcium Carbonate work
in tandem to aid in curbing your sugar cravings.

Spirulina and Chlorella will make you ditch the synthetic multi-vitamins since it has all the nutrients and vitamins
your body needs. Just these two superfoods alone contain huge doses of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, and E! They are excellent sources
of potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc.


A Wild Dove -

What are the next steps for Catalyst Gold? More products to come, we hope?  

Medea Juhasz -

I just launched Catalyst Gold a little bit over a year ago, so I'm still completely focusing on this product. Our next step is to figure out the logistics with our potential international retail partners. It's interesting, because we are definitely building a serious cult following, but at the same time we are still Indie and underground. I'm definitely planning to add additional ingestible products down the line, starting with the next product probably towards the beginning of 2018.


A Wild Dove -

It sounds like Catalyst Gold helps balance our bodies, but how do you stay balanced? What's your therapy?

Medea Juhasz -

My ultimate therapy is boxing. My perfect zen day consists enjoying the sun, meditation, training at Overthrow NY, my boxing gym and sharing organic plant based food with positive, loving friends and family.


A Wild Dove -

We love that. Can you share your nighttime ritual ?

Medea Juhaz -

I'm a total night owl. I always do a little work before I go to bed. I like to read a little bit and sip on roasted dandelion tea. A five minute reflection and meditation right before I go to sleep always helps me to wind down.


A Wild Dove -

What are your five "desert island products?" (Of course Catalyst Gold is a must, we're sure.)

Medea Juhasz -

Catalyst Gold, my boxing gloves, a big jar of raw virgin coconut oil, a large container of UMF 15 manuka honey, the current book I'm reading - Diane Arbus, “A portrait of a Photographer.”

A Wild Dove -

Well we can’t wait to try every single one. Lastly, what makes you fly?

Medea Juhasz -

Positive feedback from my customers about Catalyst Gold and seeing it in the Crosby Street window at Bloomingdales, gratitude, NYC summer heat, the beach, boxing, 70's fashion, Iggy Pop, old Woody Allen movies, and the raw vegan cheese plate from Double Zero.

For More Info


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