Hey Mr. DJ

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


If you and your child are seeking a cool, arts-based alternative to typical after-school programs, then ch-ch-check out Scratch Academy, the leading DJ and music production learning center co-developed by Jam Master Jay of Run DMC.


With locations throughout New York, Miami LA and Chicago, Scratch Academy has taught over 500,000 people to DJ and produce music, and it wants to teach your child, too. Geared for all children, students enrolled in the after-school program will learn a lot more than how to mix the latest Bieber. They’ll get a handle on music theory, basic and intermediate scratching techniques, beat-matching, song structure, track mixing and digital DJing technology. Each term will conclude with an evaluation of each individual student and a customized curriculum for the next semester.


Scratch CEO, Rob Principe added a kid’s component to the famed academy as he found parents were seeking a new after-school music activity other than piano lessons. In addition to that signature program, Scratch Academy also offers summer camp and private lessons for kids under 10.  

“More and more studies are coming out with how children who take music lessons are better in math and science and really overall studies,” says Principe. “Music is a great first language for a kid. Once they learn that language, anything can happen for them. We want to grow the next generation of great musicians.”


According to Principe, many of the kids from the programs have gone on to become very successful DJs and even host their own radio shows. “This generation of children has very sophisticated taste in music,” says Principe. “I've seen some of our veteran DJ Instructors be blown away by their younger students.”

The only downside is that your child will officially be cooler than you - but that’s bound to happen anyway.

To find out more contact

www.scratch.com | info-nyc@scratch.com